Trip Slush (3) – Helsinki Part 1

During my stay, I benefited from the variety of bread from the groceries. There was a specific labeling machine for sales of bread, and I had seen this machine in Denmark too.

We visited the Helsinki Education Hub, Terkko Health Hub and Aalto University during the two days before the opening of Slush 2022.

Some startups from the Education Hub:
– sopu academy for negotiation skills education
– reactored for language learning:
– language clubhouse: another one more for kids

I joined the sauna & ice dipping event at the Allas Sea Pool. First time to swimming in a pool of zero degree.

The pool is near the Senate Square.

The status of Aleksis Kivi near the center station. He is one of the most famous writer in Finland.

OK, next will be the SLUSH event.

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