Trip Slush (2) – Copenhagen Design Museum and Botanical Garden

I spent almost a whole day at Copenhagen Design Museum. I was told that it had been renovated recently.

An impermanent exhibition “The Future is Present”

The future doesn’t exist. The only thing that exists is now and our memory of what happened in the past. But because we invented the idea of a future, we’re the only animal that realized we can affect the future by what we do today.
– David Suzuki

Ecological design and reuse of trash

Nowadays, tableware for dinner of a family becomes simpler than before, meanwhile we have more options of lamp on top of dinner table.

Chair is a necessary furniture for intelligence workers in a modern society.

I am interested in geometry and want to visit Chichu Art Museum in the future.

100 balls from 100 trees

Some other items from the regular exhibition

On Monday unfortunately nearly all the museums are closed. However I stayed at the Botanical Garden near the National Museum for a while where around 9,000 plant species are collected. Here are 3 out of them.

Some natural scenes in the garden.

Finally, I have to say goodbye to this amazing city.

Oh, I forgot to mention that metro in Copenhagen is autonomous without driver. Fantastic!!!

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